Core values The Bed Rock To Self Discovery

Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization. It guides our behavior, providing us with a personal code of conduct. In my experience, I have observed that individuals experience greater fulfilment when they live by their values.

Core values are important because
1. It governs our personal relationship.
2. It guides business processes.
3. It clarifies who we are.
4. It articulates what we stand for.
5. It guides us in decision making.

Moreover, there is a sense of fulfilment we experience when we Honour our core values consistently and when we dont we are more likely to escape into bad habits which can further ruin us.

Most of us dont know our values. We don't understand what's most important to us, rather we focus on what our society, culture and media values.

Do you know your top 10 values? What's most important in your life? Beyond your basic human need, what must you have in your life to experience fulfilment?

Is it good health? Or always learning? Or adventure? etc. List every experience down then seperate similar experiences into different groups and group them into one word that classifies them..

Each year I list out my core values for the year based on my goals for the year and this helps shape my focus for that year. However, this dosent change my top 5 life core values. You can try this too and narrow it to your business, this will help build a better structure for your business and help your staffs understand the core values of your company as its clearly outlined.

Also narrow it to your family and relationship. It will help you build stronger and lasting relationships and a happy family.

So, what are your core values? Time to write down

Watch out for our next post on "DISCOVERING THE WHO IN YOU"

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